Cultivation and reproduction of jasmine

1. Temperature: hi warm climate, not cold, can not withstand the cold, at 3 °C or a slight frost when the cold will be affected; the monthly average temperature of 9.9 °C, the leaves off most, but the branches are green, and began to sleep In the winter, it can be stored indoors at a temperature of 10°C or more, and frozen at 3°C. 25 ~ 35 °C is the optimum growth temperature, when the temperature above 20 °C began budding and flowering; temperature above 30 °C when the development and formation of buds accelerated greatly, and the flower more intense. 2. Humidity: During the growing season, there must be sufficient moisture and humid weather. The relative humidity of the air is 80%-90%. It is not tolerant to drought, but it is also afraid of waterlogging. In the absence of water or low air humidity, The new shoots do not germinate, and the water rises. Jasmine is afraid of water, the substrate is too wet and it easily rots and leaves, and even dies. Therefore, water should not be accumulated in the pelvic tray for a long time. 3. Light: Hi light slightly shade-resistant, but strong positive flowers, hi strong light. Therefore, generally speaking, it is not suitable for indoor cultivation, and it is not particularly suitable for planting in buildings. The main problem is insufficient indoor light and cultivation difficulties. Summer heat and humidity, strong light, the flowering is the most, the most fragrant; if the lack of light, the plant growth is thin, internode long. 4. Fertilizer: During the growth period, 0.2% black glutinous water or fermented thin mash fertilizer should be poured every 10 to 15 days. It can also be used to ferment fermented fish and water (the whole amount of waste left after the killing fish is added with the appropriate amount of black glutinous fermented together), the effect is very good, and it is effective for Other southern favorite flowers. The flowering period requires a large amount of fertilizer, which needs to be irrigated 1-2 times per week. 5. Substrates and pots: It is advisable to use loose, fertile, slightly acidic sandy loam and loam. Ph5.5-7.0. Soilless cultivation can use peat: frog = 1:1 or peat: sawdust: river sand = 2:1:1. See also the use of fully-fired pellets as a mixed matrix. Potted pots are best for use with pots. If plastic pots are used, the cultivation medium must be well drained. After the basin is planted, the first watering must be done thoroughly. Change basins once a year. 6. Pest control: The most likely insect pests are red spiders, which can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate emulsion or 80% dichlorvos 1000-1500 times to prevent and control. Disease prevention is usually sprayed once every 10 to 15 days. 7. Other cultivation measures: After flowering, branches should be properly pruned. General branches can be left 20 centimeters long, and the rest should be cut off; too old branches should be cut off from the base to promote its sprouting and robust new brace. Jasmine likes big fat, big water, and the sun during the growing season. It should also be strengthened after entering the room. 8. Breeding: Jasmine multiplication with cuttings. As long as the temperature is above 20°C, the cuttings can be carried out at any time, and rooting can take place in more than 20 days. Therefore, in the natural conditions in North China, it is advisable to use between June and August. The optimum temperature for jasmine cuttings is 20-25°C. During this period, the temperature is high and it is easy to root. It is also possible to combine full light spray cuttings. Select 1-2 years of strong shoots, cut into 10 cm long branches, pay attention to the upper and lower to leave a section of buds obliquely inserted in the rough sand as the substrate, the bottom temperature of about 25 °C in the plug, often after the water spray and Covering the plastic film to moisturize, rooting in about 2 weeks, and transplanting in about one month. As long as the temperature is appropriate, it can be carried out all year round, such as the method of warming the ground heating line in winter. Water can also be inserted in seasons with higher temperatures, which is easy and convenient, but water quality should be kept fresh.

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