Change the pattern to drink milk

Among all soy products, soymilk is the most popular, and many people call it "Chinese milk." Get up early in the morning and have a hot cup of soymilk, refreshing and appetizing. Changing the pattern every day to drink milk, neither greasy, but also to ensure adequate nutrition.

Soymilk can be made by itself. At present, there are ready-made soybean milk or soy milk with lecithin added on the market. You can also add soy milk to milk, cocoa, coffee and vegetable juice.

Soy milk can also be used as a substitute for yoghurt. Add in small pieces of fruit, such as pineapples, apples, cantaloupe, cherries, and bananas. Stir in the refrigerator and eat.

Soymilk boiled with jelly powder, then add fruit, matcha powder, pour into the mold and refrigerate, become a special flavor of bean curd.

The biggest advantage of soy milk is that it is easily digested and absorbed by the stomach. When drinking soy milk, you can eat tomatoes or add tomato juice and mix well, because the manganese in tomatoes can promote the increase of lactic acid bacteria in the intestines, which is very beneficial to the health of the intestines. In addition, soymilk contains oligosaccharides in soy protein, and it has the effect of improving intestinal bacteria in people with poor digestion.

Pre-menopausal women need 600 milligrams of calcium per day, but they need to drink 2000 milliliters of soymilk to be satisfied, and drinking 500 milliliters of milk is enough. Therefore, it is best to drink some milk products while drinking soy milk.

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