The best top-dressing period for several crops

The main function of topdressing is to use fertilizers to regulate the growth and appearance of crops, to meet the nutritional needs of crops in the middle and later stages of development, and to promote better growth and development of plants in order to enhance their resistance to increase production. One of the key issues for topdressing is to grasp the critical period and maximum efficiency period for nutrient absorption of various crops, and try to do scientific top dressing in the peak period of nutrition so as to increase the utilization rate of fertilizers and give full play to its role in increasing production.

1, corn: corn sucking time is longer, the need for fertilizer is also relatively large, relying solely on the application of base fertilizer and seed fertilizer, often can not fully meet its needs for nutrients, therefore, but also topdressing to supplement the lack of nutrients, Ensure the normal growth and development of corn. After the jointing season until the big bell-mouth period, corn is the peak period of absorbing nutrients. Generally, the first fertilizer can be applied before and after jointing, and 150 kg ammonium nitrate or 120 kg urea can be topdressed per hectare; 7 to 10 days before tasselling. The second fertilizer should be applied topped with 225 kg ammonium nitrate or 180 kg urea per hectare. If the base fertilizer and seed fertilizer are more abundant and the soil is very fat, you can concentrate on top dressing once and use deep spaying for the second time.

2. Sorghum: From the jointing stage to the heading stage, sorghum grows in the period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth. It is the most prosperous period in the whole growth period. Not only does the stem and leaf grow rapidly, but it also enters the spike differentiation stage. At this time, the absorption nutrients reach the maximum. The peak is the period when the fertilizer is needed. In order to meet the needs of sorghum for nutrients, the first fertilizer should be applied at the jointing stage, 150-225 kg of ammonium nitrate or 120-180 kg of urea should be applied per hectare, and the second fertilizer should be applied at the booting flag stage every hectare. Follow-up 120 kg of ammonium nitrate or 75 kg of urea.

3. Rice: The absorption of nitrogen by rice is gradually increased after returning green, and it reaches the highest peak of fertilizer absorption during the peak of tillering. In order to promote the early emergence of rice, early delivery, should be applied early and re-appropriate manure. Generally, 7 to 10 days after transplanting, the application of ammonium sulfate is 225 kg per kilogram, and 100 kg of urea can be topdressed per kg when heading.

We supply specialties, which is food indicated to have specific health functions. That is suitable for specific food groups, can regulate body functions, not to treat the disease for the purpose of food.

1. Materials or ingredients used by the conventional food processing.
2. In the usual form and method of ingestion.
3. Marked with a label biological adjustment functions.

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