Method and effect of feeding urea directly to dairy cows

Can Urea be fed directly to dairy cows? Experiments prove it is possible.

The results show:

1Using urea instead of a portion of soybean meal to directly feed dairy cows will not only reduce milk production, but also increase slightly, but the difference is not significant, which proves feasible. Each day, the amount of 150 grams of milk per day is fed to the cows in two batches. Daily feeding of 150 grams of urea can replace 1.25 kilograms of soybean meal.

2 Feed the urea of ​​dairy cows several times a day, although it is troublesome in the feeding method, but the effect is good and the cost can be reduced, especially suitable for promotion and application in individual cattle farmers.

3 Feeding urea 1 cow can save about 5.6 yuan in feed for 1 day. Calculating 1 adult cow in this way can save feed costs by 2044.00 yuan in 1 year, which has better promotion and application value.




Shenzhen Sunshine Technology Co.,Ltd ,

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