Newborn feeding needs more on-demand breastfeeding

Immediately after childbirth, the issue of feeding newborns is how to feed newborn babies is something that every new mother is afraid of. One of the most worrying issues is how much the baby can eat? This article tells you how to control the amount of newborn feeding.

Feeding neonates should breastfeed on demand

Do not strictly limit feeding intervals during breastfeeding, especially during the first few weeks after the child is born. The amount of milk each time the newborn is eaten is not the same, so sometimes the child is hungry after 1 hour of feeding, and sometimes the interval of 3 hours seems to be less like eating. These conditions are very natural, and each baby is unique and the amount of food is not the same, so it is advisable to breastfeed as needed.

The benefits of neonatal nursing on demand

The on-demand breast-feeding method can not only drain the breast milk in time, but also stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete more prolactin by frequent sucking, so that the amount of milk is increased, and the unnecessary tension and anxiety of the mother can also be avoided. (Excessive tension and anxiety can be suppressed by the reflex mechanism, inhibiting the secretion of breast).

How to breastfeed on demand?

As long as the baby wants to eat, he can feed at any time; if the mother's milk arrives, and the child is willing to eat, he can also feed, instead of sticking to the “predetermined time”.

The stomach volume of newborns just born was only 30 milliliters, and the amount of milk that can be sucked each time was only about 20 milliliters. With a small amount of milk and a short stay in the stomach, the child will soon become hungry. Therefore, it is normal to feed milk once in two hours or so.


Feeding 8 to 12 times a day for the first two weeks of birth is the number of times we recommend feeding. It is not until about the 2nd month that the baby will be able to extend the milk to 2. 5 to 3 hours. At this time, his stomach volume has reached more than 100 milliliters. The intake of milk in the stomach is longer.

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