September Apple Tree Management Points

In mid-season mature apple varieties matured in September and the growth of the tree entered the later period. The management points for this period are:

1. Timely harvesting of medium-maturing varieties timely harvesting is an important condition for ensuring apple quality and storability. Early harvesting, inadequate fruit development, poor coloration, light weight, poor flavor, and impatience for storage; late harvest, the fruit has a respiratory peak, its storage resistance is greatly reduced. The Marshal system should be harvested 145 days after the fall, that is, in early September. At this time, the appearance of the fruit is shiny and fully colored. The golden crown should be collected about 155 days after flowering, that is, in the middle or late September. At this time, the background color of the fruit surface is yellow-green. Picking is generally based on the lower part of the first canopy and the upper part of the rear canopy; the outer part of the first canopy and the inner canopy of the rear canopy are close to each other in order to protect the resulting branches and prevent damage to fruiting branches and bumping into flower buds. If the fruit is intact, do not remove the fruit handle and gently handle the fruit to reduce bruising.

Second, soil and fertilizer water management should strengthen the cultivator loose soil in order to maintain loose soil, good ventilation, and create a good soil environment for root growth and development. After the fruit trees of medium-maturing varieties are harvested, they can be applied to basal fertilizer in a timely manner, and can be partially used in that year to increase the nutritional level of the tree. At this time, the root system entered the third peak of growth, and the roots of the fertilized damage were prone to produce callus, which also repaired the root system and also promoted new roots. Basal fertilizer is mainly composed of organic fertilizer, adding appropriate amount of quick-acting fertilizer or fruit tree special fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer is 60%-70% of the total amount of fertilizer in the whole year. Sapling Mushi 2000-2500 kg of organic fertilizer, mixed with 20 kg urea and 80-100 kg of superphosphate; over 5 years old tree Mushi 4,000-5000 kg organic fertilizer, mixed with 40-50 kg of urea and 100-150 Kg superphosphate should be fertilized with ring grooves and strip grooves. The ring groove fertilization is to dig 40-50 cm deep and 40-60 cm deep in the ring groove at the outer edge of the crown, mix the loam with 1:3 ratio, and then cover the soil. Strip canal fertilization is based on the size of the canopy, in the fruit trees, inter-row or inter-row width of 40-60 cm wide, 40-60 cm deep fertilization, watering immediately after fertilization. After the mid-maturing varieties were harvested, 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.5% urea was sprayed on the foliage every 10-15 days to increase the photosynthetic function of the leaves and delay the defoliation. To properly control the supply of water, and pay attention to do a good job of flood prevention work, in order to facilitate fruit coloring and improve the appearance of quality.

Third, late-maturing varieties of fruit management began in late September, the bagging of red Fuji and other late-maturing varieties go bag, pick leaves, transfer fruit, shop reflective film and other processing. In order to promote the coloration of the fruit and achieve full redness, the shaded leaves near the fruit of the bagging are removed while tearing the outer bag. Should first pick the fruit leaves and leaves within 5 cm from the fruit, and then pick out other shading blades after 3-5 days. About 10 days after removing the bag, when the positive side of the fruit has been fully colored, the fruit is gently lifted and turned by 90-180 degrees so that all parts of the fruit can fully see the light and be evenly colored. Picking leaves and turning fruits should be carried out on cloudy or cloudy days. Sunny weather should be carried out after the temperature drops at 4 pm. For conditional orchards, a silver reflective film should be placed under the canopy immediately after picking the bag to promote the coloring of the pods and the lower fruits and fruit pods in the tree, and the branches can be seen with good light and full flower buds. In addition, attention should be paid to properly removing the dense branches on the outside of the crown, the upright branches on the back, the long branches on the inside, and the sprouting branches of the saw cut to improve the light conditions and promote fruit coloring.

Fourth, pest control After September, apple pests and diseases focus on the prevention and treatment of ringworm disease, anthrax, rot, peach fruit moth, big blue leaf moth and so on. Apple tree rot disease has entered the peak of autumn, and attention should be paid to checking and controlling in time. Pests are in a downward trend, generally do not need spraying control, mainly to take measures to eliminate overwhelming insect sources. After the orchard is harvested, it should be cleaned immediately, and the litter and diseased fruit must be cleared and burned or buried deeply to reduce the source of infection in the following year. During harvesting, a layer of fine sand about 3 cm thick is laid on the ground where the fruits are piled. The peach fruiting moth is decapitated and debrided in the sand. After the fruit is removed, it is screened and overwintered to eliminate it. In the middle of September, a 1:2:200-fold Bordeaux mixture is sprayed to protect the trees and leaves.

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