Which fruits are not suitable for pregnant women

Pregnant women eat fruit with stress

In fact, for normal pregnant women, no fruit is absolutely taboo. However, it is extremely undesirable to eat large amounts of food, and some even use fruits instead of meals. Because most of the fruit contains high sugar content, but its fat and protein content is relatively insufficient, so too much intake of fruit is not only easy to cause gestational diabetes, but also affect the baby's growth and development of the necessary protein intake.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, after a woman is pregnant, her body is generally hot and her vaginal blood is often insufficient. At this point, some hot fruits such as litchi, longan, etc. should be eaten in moderation, otherwise it is prone to constipation, tongue sores and other "fire" symptoms, especially pregnant women with threatened abortion should be more cautious, because hot fruit is more likely to cause fetal movement disturbed.

There are also some pregnant women, spleen and stomach Deficiency, loose stools, pale, minimalist, pear, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapefruit and other cold fruits should be a small amount of food, and occasionally appropriate to eat litchi may improve symptoms.

Fruits such as watermelons, pineapples, bananas, persimmons, and muscats are high in sugar content. Obesity and pregnant women with a family history of diabetes should also eat less, so as not to ingest polysaccharides.

In addition, hawthorn blood circulation, through the passage of the uterus has a certain degree of contraction, in early pregnancy should pay attention to a small amount of food, pregnant women with abortion, or signs of miscarriage of pregnant women should avoid eating, even if the hawthorn products are no exception.

Pregnant women can choose fruits such as apples, cherries, strawberries, peaches, oranges, etc., but they should not be overdone. The best day should not exceed 500 grams. The number of pregnant women with diabetes should be reduced by half. The time to eat fruit is appropriate between two meals. It is not only time-consuming to add vitamins, but also does not prevent the intake of other nutrients.

Several fruits suitable for pregnant women

Appropriate eating of pregnant women, not only can increase nutrition, help digestion, vitamin supplements and minerals, but also have some special medical effects of the fruit, very helpful to the health of pregnant women. Pregnant women are suitable for eating more fruits. The following types of fruit are particularly recommended here.

Autumn pear

Eating autumn pears can be heat and blood pressure. Qiu Pear is hailed as the “wonder of all fruits” and is one of the oldest fruit trees in China. It is crisp and juicy, sweet and refreshing, mellow and pleasant. Its sweet and cold, slightly acidic, with heat diuretic, throat blood pressure, pure heart and lungs, antitussive expectorant, thirst and the role of Sheng Jin, can treat pregnancy edema and pregnancy-induced hypertension. It also has the effects of tranquilizing the nerves, nourishing the liver and protecting the liver, reducing inflammation and analgesia, and preventing lung infection and hepatitis. Eat stewed pears, can increase the mouth fluid, prevent dry lips, not only protect the throat, but also pneumonia, bronchitis and hepatitis diet products. After the raw pears are nucleated, 10 grams of crystal sugar, 5 grams of fritillaria, and appropriate amount of water are simmered and served with soup and pear. This can prevent and treat diseases such as exogenous cold and coughing.


Persimmons, sweet and juicy, are a kind of inexpensive fruit. Each 100 grams of persimmon contains 20 grams of sugar, 0.7 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, and 49.7 milligrams of iodine. It is also rich in vitamins and potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. Its mineral content exceeds that of apples, pears, and peaches. And other fruits. Persimmon is cold, with heat, lungs, fluid, thirst, antitussive, expectorant and other effects, suitable for the treatment of hypertension, chronic bronchitis, arteriosclerosis, hemorrhoids blood in the stool, constipation embolism. Its nutritional and medicinal value are suitable for proper consumption by pregnant women. Especially pregnant women with pregnancy-induced hypertension can "eat two." The pedicles and leaves of the persimmon are Chinese herbs. Shiki can reduce the gas, stop nausea, treat hiccups, belching and so on. Persimmon leaves have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antihypertensive effects, and are commonly used by folks. Although the persimmon has good nutrition and medical effects, it also has shortcomings. Persimmon has astringent taste, eat a lot will feel astringent tongue astringent, convergence is very strong, causing dry stool. The acid can condense into clumps and bind to proteins to precipitate. Therefore, it is better to eat persimmons and eat one meal at a time.


There are many varieties of citrus, including sweet orange, southern orange, non-nuclear tangerine, grapefruit and so on. They all have the common advantage of being rich in nutrition and being a treasure. The juice is rich in citric acid, amino acids, carbohydrates, fat, a variety of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, is pregnant women like to eat food. 500 grams of oranges contain vitamin C 250 mg, vitamin A 2.7 mg, vitamin B1 content of the highest fruit. The minerals contained in citrus are the highest in calcium, and the phosphorus content also exceeds that of rice. Citrus's skin and nucleus are famous Chinese medicines. Eating citrus can prevent scurvy and night blindness. However, citrus is delicious and should not be eaten. Because the citrus sweet and warm, replenishing Yang Qi, excessive anti-body does not help, easily lead to heat and make people get angry, occurrence of stomatitis, periodontitis, pharyngitis and so on. After eating one or more citrus fruits one or more times, the carotenoids in the body will obviously increase. The liver has no time to convert carotene into vitamin A, so that the deposition of carotene in the skin leads to a jaundice-like change of the skin, especially the hands and feet. . Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Pregnant women should not eat more than 3 citrus fruits a day, with a total weight of 250 grams.

Special reminder: pregnant women eat fruits easily get diabetes

Ms. Liu usually loves to eat fruit. After she became pregnant, she heard that she would eat more fruits and her baby's skin would be better in the future. Therefore, she desperately eats apples and she has to eat eight or nine meals a day. After a few months, she was taken to the hospital for examination. I got diabetes. According to experts, Ms. Liu did not suffer from diabetes because of excessive intake of fruit during pregnancy. About 25% of pregnant women have high blood sugar every year, and about 5% of pregnant women suffer from gestational diabetes, and this trend continues to increase year by year.

Problems pregnant women eat more fruits easily get diabetes

Pregnant women like to eat fruit, but also eat fruit as vegetables. In order to have a healthy and beautiful baby, many expectant mothers are desperate to eat fruit before delivery. They think that this can fully supplement vitamins, and can also make babies born in the future better. Experts point out that although fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, there is a fundamental difference between the two. The cellulose content in fruits is not high, but the cellulose content in vegetables is high. Excessive intake of fruit rather than vegetables directly reduces the amount of fiber intake of pregnant women. Some fruits have a high sugar content, and dietary sugar levels are too high during pregnancy. It may also trigger maternal diabetes and other diseases. It is recommended that pregnant women should have a balanced diet.

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