The current quality standard of the 2005 edition of the benzoin benzoin

Pharmacopoeia 2005 Quality Standards

Pinyin name: Anxixiang

English name: BENZOINUM

Book page number: 2005 version of a -101

The product is a dry resin of Styrax tonkinensis (Pierre) Craib ex Hart. of the benzoin plant.

The tree trunk is damaged by nature or splits the trunk in the summer and autumn seasons.

【Properties】 The product is an irregular small piece, slightly flat, often clumping. The surface is orange,

Wax-like luster (natural fat); or irregular cylindrical, flat block, surface gray to

Yellowish white (artificial liposuction). Brittle, fragile, flat section, white, gradually yellowish after placement

Brown to reddish brown. Heating softens and melts. Aroma, taste slightly pungent, chewing a sense of sand.

[Differential] (1) Take about 0.25g of this product, set it in a dry test tube, and slowly heat it, which means that a stimulating aroma occurs.

And produce a majority of prismatic crystal sublimate.

(2) Take about 0.1g of the product, add 5ml of ethanol, grind, filter, and add 0.5ml of 5% ferric chloride ethanol solution to the filtrate.

That is bright green, later turned yellow-green.

【Inspection】 Loss of weight from the product to take the product, set in sulfuric acid vacuum drying, drying to constant weight, minus

The weight loss must not exceed 2.0% (Appendix IX G).

Total ash must not exceed 0.50% (Appendix IX K).

The insoluble matter in the alcohol is accurately weighed and the product is finely powdered (2.5 g) and placed in a Soxhlet extractor and leached with alcohol to obtain alcohol.

All soluble substances are leached until the residue is dried to constant weight at 100°C. The ethanol content of the test sample is calculated.

Insoluble matter, not more than 2.0%.

[Content determination] Take about 1.5g of the product powder, accurately weighed, place the Erlenmeyer flask, and add ethanol to produce hydrogen and oxygen.

Potassium titration solution (0.5mol/L) 25ml, heated under reflux for 1.5 hours, remove ethanol on water bath, residue heated water

50ml, evenly disintegrate, let cool, add water 150ml and magnesium sulfate solution (1→20) 50ml, stir well, let it rest for 10 minutes

After the clock, the air is filtered, the filter residue is washed with 20 ml of water, and the combined washing solution and the filtrate are acidified by adding hydrochloric acid.

Displace the separatory funnel and extract 4 times with diethyl ether (50 ml, 40 ml, 30 ml, 30 ml).

The ether solution was shaken and extracted five times with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution (1→20) (20 ml, 20 ml, 10 ml, 10 ml,

(10ml), each time the separated aqueous solution is washed with the same 20ml of ether, the aqueous solution is combined, and hydrochloric acid is added to make the acid.

Sex, and then extracted with ethyl ether shaking 4 times (30ml, 20ml, 10ml, 10ml), combined ether solution, set the weight of the flask, place, until most of the ether volatilize, turn the flask, so that the residue is uniform spread

In the inner wall of the flask, it is dried in a desiccator and dried to constant weight, accurately weighed, and calculated for the test sample.

Some amount (%), according to the test sample of water and ethanol insoluble content, converted into alcohol-soluble leaching

The amount (%) contained in the dry product is the total balsamic acid content.

This product contains the total balsamic acid in the dry product of the alcohol soluble leachables, which shall not be less than 30.0%.

【Sexual taste and classics】 Xin, bitter, flat. Heart and spleen.

【Functions and Indications】 Theft, clearing, qi, blood circulation and pain relief. For stroke, irritability,

In the evil coma, palliative pain, postpartum hemorrhage, children convulsions.

【Usage and Dosage】 0.6 ~ 1.5g, more into the pill.

[Storage] Store in a cool dry place.

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