Disease Control Techniques of Lettuce in Greenhouse in Winter

Winter lettuce is mainly used to control downy mildew, soft rot, and sclerotia. To control the greenhouse humidity, ventilation and disease prevention. 1. Downy mildew: Seed dressing with 25% metalaxyl WP with a seed weight of 0.3%; once the central diseased plant is found, use 40% diethylaluminium phosphate 200 times, 75% 100% Bai Miaoqing 500 times fluid, 25% Metalaxyl 800 times liquid, spray 50 kg per acre. 7 to 10 days once for 2 or 3 consecutive times 2, soft rot: timely removal of diseased plants, after removal of the hole can be filled with slaked lime to disinfect the seedlings, the early onset with 72% of agricultural streptomycin sulfate 3000 ~ 5000 times the liquid, 50% Daisen ammonium 600 times liquid, spray The drug should focus on the mildly ill and the surrounding plants. 3. Sclerotinia: At the beginning of the disease, 50% fast keratin 1500 times or 25% carbendazim 400 times, or 50% tarpaulin WP 500 times, spray once every 7 days, spray 2 to 3 times.

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